Were you recently in a collision? Are you worried about how your auto insurance company might evaluate the damages? If you’ve just incurred minor damage, such as dents or scratches, your insurance will typically fund those repairs. In more severe collisions, however, your insurance provider may declare your vehicle is completely totaled—even if it doesn’t appear to be.


At Minnetonka Collision, we know post-accident auto body repair can be a headache, which is why we do our best to take the majority of the stress off your shoulders. If you’re not entirely familiar with insurance claims or how your provider deems your vehicle totaled, don’t fret! We’ll handle the process for you. In the meantime, take a look at this brief explanation of how your insurance company will generally handle severe collision claims. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact our team!


What Does It Mean If Your Vehicle is Totaled?

In insurance-speak, totaled means that your vehicle is a total loss. Yes, it may still be drivable, but according to your insurance company, the projected cost of the necessary repairs exceeds the vehicle’s remaining value. From their perspective, there’s no point paying for repairs when your vehicle is not worth repairing (monetarily speaking). If your insurance provider deems your vehicle totaled, they label the vehicle as irreparable and issue you a check for the vehicle’s estimated value.


How Do Insurance Companies Deem a Vehicle Totaled?

When we receive a collision vehicle, it’s our job to assess the damage and estimate repair costs. Though the projected cost of repairs is a significant determinant of whether or not your vehicle will be considered totaled, it’s not the only deciding factor.


Your insurance company also takes other potential forms of damage into consideration, especially those that are not readily identifiable. Driver and passenger safety is a major consideration, as is the safety of other drivers on the road. If your provider feels the vehicle’s damage jeopardizes occupant safety or may potentially endanger other drivers, your vehicle will be deemed a total loss.  


The Vehicle Appraisal Process

If your insurance company deems your vehicle totaled, they won’t immediately write you a check to cover the damages. Instead, they’ll send an insurance appraiser to determine the actual cash value of your vehicle based on a number of factors. After the appraiser calculates the value of your vehicle and communicates his findings with your insurance provider, only then will you receive your compensation.


Keep in mind that your check may reflect certain deductions, such as costs for towing to the shop, vehicle storage, and salvage yard charges. Once you’ve received your check, it’s in your best interest to let the vehicle go—though it might appear drivable, you never know what kind of internal damage may have occurred.


Minnetonka Collision: Your Insurance Preferred Auto Body Repair Shop

At Minnetonka Collision, we work with your insurance company to get you the coverage you deserve. We know handling a collision and the associated insurance process can be both confusing and stressful, which is why we help you file your claim and communicate with your insurance provider. Our Twin Cities shop is on several insurance-preferred lists, so as soon as your provider approves the necessary repairs, we’ll immediately get to work restoring your vehicle. To learn more about our auto body repair process or to schedule your service appointment, contact our team at 763-230-7805. Or, if you prefer, you can fill out this form to schedule your free estimate.